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Access all scientific researcher and organization prospecting data with access to SciLeads for 1 week.
- NEW: Explore commercial data for 1,000s of pharma and applied science organizations.
- View researcher and organization profiles to stay up to date with their latest activities.
- Explore tradeshow attendance and find tradeshows that will provide the best ROI.
- Get notified of new results that match your search criteria.
- Browse recent publications, tradeshows, funding, and clinical trial data with relevant keywords.
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Client Testimonials
Over 90% of our teams prospecting efforts are focused entirely on using the SciLeads platform. It allows us to easily target the leads that are most relevant to us.
SciLeads not only helps us find new potential customers, but keep up with current ones as I get a notification every time a customer presents at a conference or publishes a paper. This is instrumental to my relationship with them and my ability to create up-to-date marketing.
We have had great success in using SciLeads to grow our email lists and maintain high engagement, as well as increase our webinar attendance by 600%.